New York Inside Out

Skyline, 1984, Imprint of Oxford University Press, Toronto

Walker sees in the city an ‍infinite number
of ‍unexplored worlds, all bound by ‍his
extraordinary use of color and his ability
to ‍turn the unruly carnival into a ‍place
with it’s own sense of ‍place.

Kathryn Livingston, American Photographer

New York Inside Out is ROBERT WALKER’S fascinating portrait of the city’s poignant juxtapositions and surprisingly brilliant colors, its glamour and its haphazard wonders. Whether his subjects be bag people contemplating luxurious storefronts and impeccable mannequins, or the Theatre District quieted under a thick blanket of snow, Walker has a talent for capturing the unexpected and intimate with unfailing vibrancy and toughness.